Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fear Not Thine Image



Imagine you are a very successful dedicated detective and you wake up with the image and fingerprints of the serial killer you are chasing? In this day of DNA testing that doesn’t seem very likely, but what if you had already been positively identified by your fingerprints on record and photo on file? Could you convince the authorities to go through the added exercise and expense of testing DNA to prove who you are after the identification is already positive?

With all the emphasis on DNA testing in the criminal justice programs you’d think fingerprints are no longer relevant, but the fact is photographs, fingerprints and dental records continue to be a big part of personal identification. Finger prints have been collected and filed for years with the FBI and Homeland Security files providing a worldwide database for criminal justice systems to use making  them still the single most used method of positively  identifying crime suspects. If your fingerprints are at the crime scene, on the murder weapon, a witness positively identifies you at the scene of the crime and you do not have a solid alibi for the time of the crime, good luck in convincing the jury you are not guilty.
Further imagine you are the spitting image of a serial killer and are on the LAPD most wanted list, are captured, fingerprinted and everything matches the killer they are chasing? There is no doubt that you will be arrested and tried for the crimes.
Detective Tony Lake finds himself in just this predicament when he stumbles across an organization that makes high profile criminals disappear before they can be brought to trial. Lake is captured by the organization and wakes up in the image of the killer he was chasing. Tony's life is already falling apart with the  recent loss of one of his twin boys.  In an effort hide his grief Tony distances himself from his wife and surviving son. The decision to bury himself in his work is already taking a toll on his marriage and distancing him from his surviving son. Now in prison, having lost everything including his identity, Tony finds himself trying to convince his former partner at LAPD that he is not a malicious killer and was wrongly convicted of the killer’s crimes.
FEAR NOT THINE IMAGE is set in the greater Los Angeles area and in Portland, Oregon where detective Jodie Fox comes into contact with the serial killer Tony Lake was chasing. Some say FEAR NOT THINE IMAGE it is a scary read, others an exciting adventure. I hope you check out this crime thriller and decide for yourself.

FEAR NOT THINE IMAGE can be purchased for $2.99 on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

1 comment:

  1. You wonder how many people are wrongly incarcerated and/or put to death. The Innocence Project has freed some of them, however, many more languish in prison due to lack of funding or anyone to champion their cases. Your situation sounds pretty ominous. Sounds like a great premise for a book.
